Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thank you for this wonderful award!

I just found out that I have recieved a wonderful award from a very talented multimedia collage artist....Winterberry Creek, better known as Amy Mosher!! To see her site to take a look at her most beautiful blog....http://www.winterberrycreek.blogspot.com/. Thank you so much Amy for this honor! From a master of crafting and creation of her wonderful blog this is quite and honor!

The rules for receiving this award are:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

Now the people that I would like to forward this honor on to would include the next 7 nominees.

1. Kelly owner of Once in a Blue Moon Prims......http://onceinabluemoonprimitives.blogspot.com/
She is the master of everything primitive / a wonderful leader & dear friend! Leader of the Olde Primitive Sister's Group!

2.Linda owner of Linda Pinda Designs.....http://lindapindadesigns.blogspot.com/
A wonderful master of online graphics and fantastic templates!

3. Kimmie owner of Olde Lavendar Prims....http://oldelavenderprims.blogspot.com/
A wonderful doll creator and crafter!

4. Bebe owner of Rants by Bebe.....http://rantsbybebe.blogspot.com/
Another master of online graphics and doll creations!

5. Mary owner of Sew dear to me.......http://www.sewdeartome.blogspot.com/
An amazing doll creator and master of online graphics!

6. Chris owner of Homespun Crafts and leader of American Folkart & Primitives Mercantile.....http://homespunhandcrafts.blogspot.com/
A very talented crafter and leader!

7. Leslie owner of Primitives by the Hollow.......http://primitivesbythehollow.blogspot.com/
A wonderful crafter and doll designer!

Go take a look at all of these wonderful artists blogs and Enjoy! Please be aware nominees that this honor has to move forward ...no sending it back!LOL Have fun!


Amy said...

I am glad you are enjoying your award and was able to send it on to others. Your dolls are just amazing and I love your blog! Enjoy your award and keep up the great work! Amy :)

Homespun Handcrafts said...


I am so sorry I just now checked into my blog and saw the award! Thank you bunches...is it too late to do this??

Congrats on giving eBay another try, it'll be nice to see another friendly face out there in the sea of sellers.